Nothing like being surrounded by a lil leather ...

Leather suppliers like this are far and few! Looking for the right color, texture and specialty treatment takes quite some time. We've always sourced the best quality leathers stemming from Italy, yet luckily located just a few miles down the street.

While catching up for lost time since my last visit, I wander around touching, unrolling, digging and searching for what sets us apart.

The best thing about my visit is that it's just me and my creative thoughts. I have always tended to spend hours in fabric stores ever since I was young and still to this day I spend hours, they just seem to pass faster!

Crow Thief's demand to be unique, eye catching , luxurious and always achieve substance is extremely important to us. I hope through our eyes you are able to experience the adventures that truly set our handcrafted way's apart from others.

A few of my favorite's..